Thursday, 7 June 2012

Call the Kops

Our chum and writer Bernard Kops's career is finally taking off, with his most recent poetry collection being reprinted, a new novel, a do at the Jewish Museum, a play being revived, something coming on the BBC soon, featured in Spitalfields Life... and as young as ever at 84. David Paul has now become his regular publisher (with our blessing) but Bernard still keeps flogging our Bernard Kops' East End and The World is a Wedding at his assorted readings.
The Norwegian magazine Klassekampen asked us for a copy of this picture, to go with an interview, from the East End book, so I thought it might be nice to reprint it here. The picture first appeared in Encore: the voice of vital theatre in September/October 1958, being a line up of promising new writers. Clive Goodwin, the editor, was clearly a good picker.
Back row: Arnold Wesker, Errol John, Bernard Kops, David Compton
Front row: NF Simpson, Harold Pinter, Ann Jellicoe, John Mortimer

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